This film is a distillation of many emotions I felt during the American invasion of Iraq:
Rage, at the cynical lies used to justify the invasion as preemptive self-defence;
Shame, at the terror inflicted in my name;
Fear, as my country became a paranoid monster - and exulted in its monstrosity;
Horror, at the mutilation and pain inflicted on innocent men, women, and children;
Disgust, at the craven ideologues willing to slaughter thousands to further their agenda.
There are raw, bloody, horrifying images in this film. These images were commonplace in Iraq during the invasion, and were broadcast throughout most of the world during the war.
In America, the country that launched the invasion, such images were considered "unsuitable" for viewing by its citizens. Those images are embedded in this film to act as a bloody rebuke to those Americans who have remained blissfully ignorant of the destruction wreaked on their behalf.
San Antonio Underground Film Festival, San Antonio, Texas, June 2004
Philadelphia Video Festival, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 2004
Brainwash Movie Festival, Oakland, California, July 2004
Fucking Fabulous Film Festival, Seattle, Washington, August 2004
Portland Indy Animation Festival, Portland,Oregon, August 2004
Tulsa Overground International Film Festival, Tulsa, Oklahoma, August 2004
1 Reel Film Festival, Seattle, Washington, September 2004
Toronto Online Film Festival, Toronto, Canada, September 2004
Leeds Anime Horror Music Film Festival, Leeds, United Kingdom, October 2004
America's Funniest White House Videos, Seattle, Washington, October 2004
Projections Film Festival, Bellingham, Washington, November 2004
Portland Underground Film Festival, Portland, Oregon, December 2004
International Panorama of Paris tout court, Paris, France, December 2004